About Jesus C.O.U.sins

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Perfect Peace

I woke up this morning with my eyes and my heart wide open. I am in submissive mode fully. An open vessel for a lack of a better term. There was peace over my life as I woke to the sun rays dancing all over my face. It just seems like God was telling me, everything is going to be fine. I truly believe it. I believe I achieved a perfect peace. I have always heard about, "perfect peace". I never sought it out though, I just assumed that it was just something that overtook you out of no where and for a brief moment, you could experience a euphoric experience. Then I begin to think, I never even heard of "perfect peace" being in the Bible. Of course this caused for some serious Bible study.
Found it!
Issiah 26:3
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee"
Achieving Perfect Peace is when you no longer seek contentment with the world's material gifts. Its when all your focus is on the Lord. Its when you have laid down your burdens. Its when you are no longer worrying how this bill, or that bill will get paid. Its when you are solely and completely into God and you are truly delighted. Its hard to really put into words how I was feeling this morning, but I can say that I had that "I'm free" feel. I felt like I could glide if I wanted to.
My guard was let down and all the questions I been asking God for the pass month ofrso has been answered. I am truly excited about what God is about to do in my life. I am not sure if this feeling is maintainable, or if it comes and goes as it wishes, but it sure does feel good. I say try the Lord. We are in a time in life and in our economy that smiles are seriously hard to come by. The "here today and gone tomorrow" saying has been proven true for a lot of families. Whether it be the lost of a father or mother, son or daughter or mate to the war, loss of a job, house, car, loss of money, loss of faith. The time has come to seek contentment in something more stable and more reliable.
I dare you to try Jesus. Open your heart to the possiblity of perfect peace. It feels so good. Better than any massage, alcoholic buzz, or sexual sensation. Try it for your self.
Here is a website that futher expalins perfect peace, they did a better job than me. http://www.eternallifeministries.org/awp_peace.htm
Until Next time....

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Evening Chats

We will be having evening chats every Wednesday and Thursday this month. Our chat room will be open for those who just want to come and chat and fellowship online with other Christians. Chat room will open at 7:00pm.


We are looking for ideas for our second quarter community project. Please email us your ideas jesuscousin@ymail.com

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