I just sit back and laugh when I see people that "made it" say that they were grinding and they paid their dues and that is why they are where they are. They feel as it is because of them that they are in the position that they are in. Well I am here to let them know that God puts you where HE wants you to be and if it happens to be at "the top", then be glad that HE chose you to be there. People have it real confused when they think that they can maintain that spot without the help from the Lord. A person can be the hardest working individual in the world but if they are working hard on something that the Lord does not have for their life, they are wasting their time. God will shut down everything that you think is good to help you realize that no matter how far along a project is, HE will shut it down until you do what HE wants you to do. What HE has for you is a million times better than what you have for yourself. You just have to have the faith to know that God shut it down for a reason and you need to find out what that reason is. Do not get discouraged, get excited that the Lord has something for you and you were able to pick up on the signs. When God does finally put you at "the top", you better give HIM all of the glory and honor because HE can take it away faster than the blink of an eye!
Job 1:21 (The Message)
21 Naked I came from my mother's womb, naked I'll return to the womb of the earth.God gives, God takes. God's name be ever blessed.
Matthew 20:16 (The Message)
16"Here it is again, the Great Reversal: many of the first ending up last, and the last first."
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