At what point in your faith do you realize that God is your provider? At what point do you stop and realize that worrying about the same things are pointless considering the many times you cried out and God heard you. I had to bring that to the attention of a friend of mine.
The economy effected all of us one way or another. Yet we see now that things are turning around for the better. Well things are looking up for my friend considering he now has two jobs. Along with that he runs his own company and volunteers regularly which is not just time consuming but it is also gas consuming. His constant worry is not having enough money to keep gasing up. I pointed out that every since he started doing the Lords will for his life everything including gas has been provided for him. Every time he sees the gas gauge nearing empty he goes into a panic as if he does not know the Lord will provide.
I advised him to check Gods track record in his life and tell me a time he has never had gas to get to where he needed to go. I ask you the same thing. When has good not kept you fed or kept you warm? You can't say He doesn't love you because you are alive right now. Stop worrying! It doesn't ease or fix any problem. It's just an emotion that results in stress which in turn can physically and mentally harm you.
Matthew 6:13
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Until Next Time
Growing in Mission
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