About Jesus C.O.U.sins

Friday, May 7, 2010

The SON is Still Shining

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. (NIV)

It is amazing how I can get up in the mornings to the same sunshine that my friends in Washington, D.C. wake up to. It is rather interesting how I can get on a plane in the sunny city of Charlotte, and land miles away, in a different country even, and the same sun is there to greet me. What I also find thought-provoking is how even on a cloudy day, the sun is still shining.

Even though I have not been on Earth too long, I have experienced a few days where crap ruled, hell prevailed, and defeat overcame victory. Even though I know who I am, and whose I am, I still have those days where I wonder where the heck "the Son" is. One day I am ascending from one level to the next, walking in the power I know I have, and the next, I am wallowing in despair, feeling abandoned by the one who said He would never "leave or forsake" me.

Maybe I am the only one who ever feels this way.

Yet, even when I am questioning whether I am being looked-out for; even when it seems as though the clouds of life are eclipsing my greatest hopes, I am constantly reminded that "the Son" is still there. What I found out is that even though it may be raining, storming, snowing, or hailing, the sun is still there; it never moved. We get bothered, worried, and angry because we cannot see or feel it. We are so jelly-backed sometimes that our foundation, what we stand on through life's ups and downs, becomes faulty. To a degree, we have become so dependent on things and people, any true faith is nonexistant.

The fact still remains that "the Son" is still shining. He is still reigning. He is still sovereign. So, whenever it seems as though He isn't there, just know that He never left. True faith trusts. True faith believes without any evidence needed. Having true faith will take you through cloudy, rainy days without you vacillating from one degree to another.

So, will you trust in the forecast of your life, with its possibilities of inclement weather? Or will you trust in the One who controls the forecast? Ultimately, it's your choice.

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Evening Chats

We will be having evening chats every Wednesday and Thursday this month. Our chat room will be open for those who just want to come and chat and fellowship online with other Christians. Chat room will open at 7:00pm.


We are looking for ideas for our second quarter community project. Please email us your ideas jesuscousin@ymail.com

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