I believe that God allowed our country to go into a financial crisis because too many people were starting to love money more than God. Too many people begin to forget the person who bought them wealth in the first place. People were starting to trust and have faith in their banks and bank accounts more than trusting God. If you are familiar with the ten commandments, then you would know that we serve a jealous God and at no point will He stand for you loving something more than you love him.
Matt 6:24
24"You can't worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you'll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can't worship God and Money both.
People starting losing their homes, cars, and prized possessions. God put people in situations where only He could deliver them out of. As time progressed, we being to church membership increase, and more acts of kindness. Sometimes it takes being torn down to be built back up correctly. For some people its not money that they put before God, it could be a girlfriend. Maybe it could be a job. With the economy change, we seen jobs disappear as well.
Who do you love? Who or what has your heart. Evaluate your life if your answer is not God. He loves you and wants to bless you but can't if you are not putting him first. Until Next time... Related Articles :
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