No one is perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and you are not perfect by far. People will hurt you, deceive you, break your heart and let you down all the time. This may make you a bitter person at times and you may not want to forgive the individual because you want to stay angry or you do not understand why this happened to you. One thing I remember someone saying is that "You can't get into heaven with a grudge!" Holding grudges against people will only waste valuable time in your life. When you are angry with someone, you will notice that you think about them all the time and if your smart you will realize that you have wasted valuable time thinking about them and not being constructive. You must learn how to forgive. No matter what that person did to you or said to you, you MUST FORGIVE! Vengeance is mine says the Lord, not yours. You need to forgive that person and move on. Do not let their actions influence the way you live your life. Jesus was killed and HE still died for the people responsible, so what your going through or whatever happened to you is not as nearly as bad as what happened to Jesus. Pray to God and have a open heart to forgive and it will make you a better person.
Mark 11:25
If you have anything against someone, forgive—only then will your heavenly Father be inclined to also wipe your slate clean of sins.
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You are Here: Home > You can't get into heaven with a Grudge!
Monday, May 24, 2010
You can't get into heaven with a Grudge!
Labels: Mark 11:25, Obey
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