I'm just as confused as a goose in a snowstorm. How in the world can you say that you represent Jesus Christ, yet have an appearance and role on a television show where everything but godliness is promoted?
I asked that question last night as I flipped back and forth between the NBA Finals game between the [Los Angeles] Lakers and the [Boston] Celtics and this new show on TV1 entitled "Donald Trump's Ultimate Merger". The star--the infamous Omarosa--is apparently looking for a man--that's the gist that I gathered. As the show went further, Omarosa's apparent "spiritual advisor" and friend was introduced to the show--none other than Pastor Jamal Harrision-Bryant of Empowerment Temple. I've respected Bryant for what he's done in Baltimore, his no-nonsense approach to preaching, his street credibility, and his zeal for Jesus; but I was astonished--flabbergasted even--when he was on the show. I honestly didn't know what to make of it. He was there in a capacity, to me, that compromised his position as a minister of the gospel. He was there to help a woman--who has caused enough trouble the last few years in the media--find a mate. According to her, he [Bryant] is there to help her make sure that whomever she chooses to connect with are not "unequally yoked". Yet, throughout the show, there are rampant sexual undertones, a high level of arrogance and egotism, and a total lack of spirituality.
Why is Jamal Bryant on the show? Why is he compromising his position?
If I have to put a personal spin on this, why are we, as people, as Christians even, failing to set ourselves apart? If we appear to be something totally contrary to what we declare we are, most people will associate us with what we are not trying to represent. Basically, they'll see you, not Christ. In the book of Revelation, it is clear that God does not want us to be lukewarm, but either hot or cold. The book says that He will "spew us out" if we are lukewarm.
I really don't want to get spit out. I think we need to make a vow: either we root solely for God or we go 'head and change teams. It's one thing to say you are ministering to someone; yet it is another thing entirely to connected to something that is not even close to the church--or God Himself. Pastor Bryant, please get off the fence.
I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Revelation 3:15-16
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