There comes a time in all of our lives where everything seems as though it has come to a stand still. It seems like the only thing still going is your heart beat. Everything else just seems like it has been put on pause. I know exactly how that is. I would love to be the first person to tell you how to deal with that, but considering I am going through that myself, I can't. What I do know from reading "Experiencing God", is that there are times when God is silent. There are times when God stops speaking to us. During those times one could start to feel lost and unsure of what to do next. However, if you allowing God to order your steps, then you don't move a mussel until you hear from Him again. Meanwhile examine your life. Find out if there are things you are doing that you shouldn't be doing. Find out are there any distraction that are hindering you from listen to what God says.
Have you ever experienced a silent point in your life. How did you handle it. Share with our readers how you got through your silent times.
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Have you ever experienced a silent point in your life. How did you handle it. Share with our readers how you got through your silent times.
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