About Jesus C.O.U.sins

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Are You Serious

How hard is it to be obedient? Is it really that difficult to do as you are told? What is it about following the rules that some people find a hard task? I am not saying that I have always done as God has told me, but after reading 1Kings...I am left in awe. Every generation of Kings after David for some odd reason could not follow simple instructions from God. The main instruction was DO NOT SERVE ANY OTHER GODS OTHER THAN ME! How is that so hard? That main commandment is the same today as it was then, yet we still find it hard to obey it.
The sad part is some of us do not recognize that we have replaced God with another god. We are so ignorant that we believe serving another god means making golden cavs or bowing to a bald fat man. These days gods could be your job, your spouse, a hobby, basically anything you put before God. I admit, once upon a time, long ago, I put my company before God. I woke up in the morning and went right to work. I would work until i couldn't work anymore. I would have a drink and go to sleep. Any dollar I made went to bills (sometimes) and partying. Never once did I stop and thank God for blessing me with a business nor did I tithe. I did my own thing. My company was my god. We know that God is a jealous God and when anything comes before Him, he gets upset. So just like the Kings in 1Kings I was punished. My business began to fail, I begin to loose everything I thought was important. God begin to put me in a situation where He was the only thing one that could save me. Once I begin to realize I could not do this by myself, I submitted my life to the Lord.
Slowly, God begin to restore me, and if I may be honest, He is still restoring me. One thing that wasn't hard for me to understand was that obeying God is a must. There was too many instances in 1Kings where the Kings just didn't understand and God had to punish them for it. Their punishments were much more extreme because of their positions. Think about that.
If you know you aren't doing what God would have you to do, stop now! Do not wait until God punishes you to get your life in order.

Deut. 11: 28
28 The Curse: if you don't pay attention to the commandments of God, your God, but leave the road that I command you today, following other gods of which you know nothing.

Until Next time...

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Foot Work

Our new community project for the 1st Quarter will be "Foot Work" Our goal is to supply 50 pairs of new shoes for those searching or headed back to work. We want to supply comfortable working shoes and remind other C.O.U.sins to allow God to order their steps in His word. We need brand new or barely worn shoes to make this a success. Would you like to be involved? Click our volunteer button and let us know how you would like to get involved.

Evening Chats

We will be having evening chats every Wednesday and Thursday this month. Our chat room will be open for those who just want to come and chat and fellowship online with other Christians. Chat room will open at 7:00pm.


We are looking for ideas for our second quarter community project. Please email us your ideas jesuscousin@ymail.com

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