Nowadays people have no commitment to anything. They try something and when it doesn't work out the way that they thought it would, they abandon it. Not realizing that maybe if they stuck with it a little bit longer then it may have produced the outcome that they were looking for. You have to be fully committed to something and stick with it through the good times and the bad times and see it all the way through. This is how you must be with God. You must be fully committed to HIS will and HIS way. When you are fully committed to God and and submit yourself to HIM, HE will never let you down. We as humans feel sometimes that we need to do things on our own because we either are to impatient or we feel like we can get it done faster. It seems to never work out when we take that course of action. If we learn to wait on the Lord and seek HIS will for our lives, we will be in a much better situation than we would have put ourselves in guaranteed. The moral is to commit yourself to the Lord and HIS will and learn to deny yourselves because once we are able to do that, the blessings of the Lord will overflow in our lives and we will get more than we could handle.
Isaiah 26: 4
4 So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock.
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