I use to ask God, "God why can't I focus on the task in front of me? or "God why don't I have the drive to be serious about something and put my all into it?" and I believe that the Lord answered my question this morning. I read the Daily Proverb on Bible.com and it spoke about covetousness. How you should not want what somebody else has or desire it. God will supply all your needs as long as you ask HIM for it, have faith and believe. When I read that it was revealed to me that the reason why I have such a hard time focusing is because I am spend to much time coveting the things of my neighbors. I spend so much time thinking about what I do not have and what I want like money, cars and clothes, that it is hard to focus on anything. And when things don't seem to be working out I want to get discouraged and want to quit. Then I start looking for the next thing to make me some quick money, but the quick money never comes and I am stuck in the same position. Writing this and reading that this morning just helped me learn a valuable lesson from my girlfriend. She works so hard for the business because she believes that this is what God has for her and that HE will bless her and the business. She tithes, she started Jesuscousin and she just trust in the Lord, and the Lord is beginning to bless her. Everything that she is asking for, God is slowly restoring back to her. It is my turn now to stop worrying about what others have and focus on what the Lord has for me because doing it the old way did not and never will work. Only God's way will work and I think that now I finally got it!
Exodus 20:17
17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's
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