About Jesus C.O.U.sins

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Does God Want Me to Do

If you watch people who are fulfilling God's purpose in their life, you will notice that their motivation is high. They have amazing endurance to overcome obstacles. They are always growing and learning. There's real joy in what they do.

It amazes other people how faithful Christians breeze through life --- in good time, and in bad times. Having a strong faith in God is a the key that really lifts them up in life. And having defined their life's purpose in tune with God is the one thing that keeps them going.

There are actually many people who go through life without discovering God's purpose for their life. Life just goes on and on without know it. And there's no despair or sadness in not realizing it at all. Yet, to miss out on your life's purpose is to miss out on why God created you.

Whether your job is in a church or a business enterprise, we were all created with a purpose. Along with that purpose, should we discover it, are gifts from God that will guide us in living the life He planned for us. Yes, we were gifted and called by God. If only people could realize this they will enjoy a more blessed life and take take their assignments from God seriously!

Here are some questions to help you find your life's assignment:

What's are the "raw materials" available? God has given you a certain temperament and talents, and you have to honor your raw material.

What unlocks your compassion? It's quite amazing to realize that sometimes the problem that infuriates you most is the problem you were born to solve.

Why do I do this? There's a big difference between doing something because you believe God has called you to do it, versus doing what your parents, your friends or your ego wants you to do.

What are my limitations? Knowing what you're called to do often starts with discovering what you're not called to do. When you can accept your limitations, you're on the road to understanding your life's assignment.

Let it be clear: you have an assignment. It has to do with what God hard-wired into you. You must seek it with an open mind. When people pretend to be something they're not, they live with a chronic sense of inadequacy and set themselves up for a lifetime of frustration. Don't do that. Be ruthlessly open to the truth about yourself. Your life's assignment is something you discover, not something you choose.

Know the real purpose why God created you, and then you'll know who you really are.

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Foot Work

Our new community project for the 1st Quarter will be "Foot Work" Our goal is to supply 50 pairs of new shoes for those searching or headed back to work. We want to supply comfortable working shoes and remind other C.O.U.sins to allow God to order their steps in His word. We need brand new or barely worn shoes to make this a success. Would you like to be involved? Click our volunteer button and let us know how you would like to get involved.

Evening Chats

We will be having evening chats every Wednesday and Thursday this month. Our chat room will be open for those who just want to come and chat and fellowship online with other Christians. Chat room will open at 7:00pm.


We are looking for ideas for our second quarter community project. Please email us your ideas jesuscousin@ymail.com

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