By Jeanie Marshall
A phrase I coined to describe a process (or really several processes) which I use to assist individuals to release or heal unresolved issues from previous generations is "Transgenerational Healing." I have noticed that when one generation has not transmuted its karma or resolved its issues, the next generation must attend to this.
Seven Generations
Since there are Biblical references to "sins of the fathers" being passed to "seven generations," I know this concept is familiar to many. I work energetically to lift off unresolved stuff of past generations. Typically, I facilitate a guided visualization to step backward generation by generation.
Married persons include their spouses and their spouses' seven generations. Those who are adopted or raised by anyone other than their birth parents include all relevant persons and their previous generations.
When I do one of these processes in a group, the room gets very full! Ancestors in the etheric realm come from many planes to be present. Most of those who are physically present go unconscious because the experience is quite intense. But afterwards.... Wow! What a lifting! What a healing!
The Process
Of course, the process varies depending on a number of criteria, including the consciousness and willingness of the individual client or the group, what has happened prior to the process, and what is planned to follow the process. Here is a basic outline as I work with a group.
I guide the group into a deep meditative state. As I do this, I clear the energy field of the room and all those present. Then I invite the parents of those present to come into the room energetically or spiritually. I include all those of that next generation -- in-laws, foster parents, surrogate parents, birth parents, adoptive parents, etc., inviting them to form a council around the individual.
I make the point that it matters not if those present knew the ones in the parent generation (I call this the "first" generation) or if they are still alive. We call them in spiritually, or as I prefer to say, "energetically."
Since I can see these beings arrive in the energy field, I have access to a tremendous amount of information. I notice, for example, that some arrive with great remorse for their activities and the messes left behind. Others arrive with great joy. All arrive with wisdom.
My purpose in doing this process is for those present at the workshop to have greater access to this wisdom of the ancestors and to dissolve the karma that is ready to be dissolved. As I notice bits and pieces of information, I interject suggestions that enhance the process for everyone, often in quite unexpected ways.
We proceed through the generations. Time after time, the fifth generation is the most intense. Few persons are able to stay conscious beyond this point. And there is really no need for them to be aware -- as long as I stay conscious.
When all seven generations have arrived, I invite each council to have its own meeting. Each council has a unique dynamic; each has a characteristic way to pass gifts from older generations to the younger.
When the time is right, I instruct the visiting ancestors to leave, beginning with the seventh generation. As they leave the room, they leave their gifts of wisdom. Everyone awakens.
Gifts of the Generations
A group that is ready for this process is richly rewarded. Sometimes the ancestors' gifts are too awesome to verbalize. Here are two examples of the many gifts that have been reported either to the whole group or to me privately.
"I began to cry beginning at the fifth generation. Such pain and sadness. I don;t remember the sixth generation at all. By the seventh generation, just before the council meeting, all the sadness lifted. I feel...I feel 'light.' I am light."
"My grandmother, who died two years ago came to kiss me on the cheek just like she did when I was a little boy. I always knew she was a wise soul. Now I know this in a way that is so deep that talking about it seems trite."
Participants tend to glow. All evidence points to this clearing as a permanent condition, which is not to say that all past issues are resolved. Those that are cleared, are truly cleared.
©1996, 2003. Marshall House, Jeanie Marshall, a Personal Development Coach specializing in deep transformation and personal success, writes extensively on subjects related to personal development and empowerment. She assists professional coaches and consultants to write their knowledge, wisdom, and experiences. Related Articles :
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