Lately, I have been witness to a many people playing the blame game. As Americans, most of us took a major blow when the economy went down and money stop circulating like it once did. We are at a time where everyone is trying to rebuild and redefine their place in life. We are at a time where most people have to start over and find a different route to take in life. I personally see this as God putting us all on a even playing field and giving us the opportunity to put Him first and allow Him to lead us down the path He has us to go. However, many people do not see that. Many people have not seen our economy shift as an opportunity to begin anew. Some people see it as punishment and have begin blaming not only God for their current situations, but others that surround them as well.
My parents taught me to always take responsibility for my situations. They taught me to always examine my self first before I start pointing the finger. Many of us do not do that. We would rather ask God why? We would rather not face the reflection in the mirror. The time is now to take responsibility for where you are in life. There will be no advancing if you cannot take ownership of what has been happening to you. If you lost your job, do not blame everyone around you for it...what did you do? Were you on time? Did you have a good productivity rate? If you lost your mate, don't blame the person he/she left you for. Where you fulfilling your duties as a spouse? Time is out for the blame game.
Job 5:1 (Whole Chapter)
[ Don't Blame Fate When Things Go Wrong ] "Call for help, Job, if you think anyone will answer! To which of the holy angels will you turn? The hot temper of a fool eventually kills him, the jealous anger of a simpleton does her in. I've seen it myself—seen fools putting down roots, and then, suddenly, their houses are cursed. Their children out in the cold, abused and exploited, with no one to stick up for them. Hungry people off the street plunder their harvests, cleaning them out completely, taking thorns and all, insatiable for everything they have. Don't blame fate when things go wrong— trouble doesn't come from nowhere. It's human! Mortals are born and bred for trouble, as certainly as sparks fly upward.
Get your self together. Examine your own situation. Ask God for forgiveness. Move on. Its really simple. Until next time...
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