Sometimes God puts you in situations to see just how ride or die you are for Him. I remember the Columbine incident in Colorado, and one of the victims was asked if she believed in the Lord. Her answer was yes, and she was killed. When I heard about that, I had to ask myself if I was put in the same situation, how would I respond. Of course it is easy right now to say "Sure I would say I believe", but Peter, one of Jesus disciples was put in that situation and he folded. What I do believe is I am experiencing one of those test just to see how ride or die I am for the Lord.
I submitted my material for the Queen Latifah contest. Without a doubt in my mind, I knew I was going to win. Of course I think I am the perfect candidate to open for Queen Latifah and be in a cover girl spread. I prayed and prayed and I asked God, "Lord if its your will let me win this". I went hard, no letting any doubt in my mind. I don't think anyone wanted this as bad as me. Well, call backs were yesterday and needless to say, I did not get called. So I stand here heart broken and wondering what now? My mother asked me like three days ago, "what if you don't get it". I told her, "well, I'll keep going and believe in God for something greater".
And I will. Sometimes what we want for ourselves is not always what God has lined up for our lives. To be able to perform for Queen Latifah is a dream for me, however, this may not be the stage the Lord wants me to perform on. Perhaps it could be the Grammies. Who knows. But I will keep trusting God for something greater. I am still ride or die for the Lord. Even though I am a little disappointed, God has blessed in so many different ways. I will keep going.
You too will go through (if you are not going through it already) time when you have to show that through it all you still love the Lord. No matter what! you still love the Lord. I encourage you to stay encouraged and stay strong in your walk with Jesus. He has not and will not let you down.
Isaiah 50:10-11
10 -11Who out there fears God,
actually listens to the voice of his servant? For anyone out there who doesn't know where you're going,
anyone groping in the dark, Here's what: Trust in God.
Lean on your God! But if all you're after is making trouble,
playing with fire,
Go ahead and see where it gets you.
Set your fires, stir people up, blow on the flames, But don't expect me to just stand there and watch.
I'll hold your feet to those flames.
Until Next Time...
Growing in Mission
About Jesus C.O.U.sins
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Ride or Die
Labels: Isaiah 50:10-11, special
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