When you sit back and think about it, love is a wonderful thing. Many times we forget that. We forget about how it feels to be passionate about another human being. Some people have felt it before and had bad experiences in the end result, however, I'm sure they would be willing to admit when they were going through the time when love was in the air, life seemed so sweet.
I am currently reading Song of Solomon, the love book. Its honestly pure poetry. The words written made my heart jump twice. It was so romantic.
Songs of Solomon 1:
2 -3 Kiss me—full on the mouth!
Yes! For your love is better than wine,
headier than your aromatic oils.The syllables of your name murmur like a meadow brook.
No wonder everyone loves to say your name!
Yes! For your love is better than wine,
headier than your aromatic oils.
No wonder everyone loves to say your name!
In chapter one, we are introduced to a couple that is in engaging in conversation. They are telling each other how they feel for one another. Their communication is so sweet. I remember my past relationships how things started off that way and quickly died down. The thought I received from reading this is not only should we speak to our lovers in this manner, but we should take the same care with speaking to our fellow neighbors. So many time we show no respect for the people who are commonly around us. We use different tones, we use different gestures. A lot of the time we do not even smile.
One reason why some celebs are well liked is because they are so "nice". Niceness wins every time. Consider that next time you get read to speak to a person. Use love talk. Until Next time!
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