Its hard to watch a person, an organization, or even a family fall from grace. We have all witnessed the wrath of God if not in our own lives, someone else. We watched once very prosperous fortune 500 businesses loose it all and have to file bankruptcy. We have seen families go from making billions of dollars a year to becoming beggars. We have even seen a once booming city in Louisiana become nothing more than a waist land. All we can do is shake our heads.
God does not want to punish us severely. He would much rather bless us and make sure that we are happy. All he ask in return is our obedience and faithfulness. My mother always says to whom much is given much is required. Those people who seem to "have it all" are in a position to do a lot of things that the average man cannot do. However, many people in power take this for granted and began to abuse the position that God has put them in.
In Lamentations, Jeremiah continues to talk about how bad God is punishing the city. He talks about how God has wiped out everything and how bystanders stand in awe at the sight of a once prosperous land. When I read this I thought about how bad I would feel and how I do not want to go through any situation that would warrant a complete destruction of my life or my possessions.
Lamentations 2
15Astonished, passersby can't believe what they see.
They rub their eyes, they shake their heads over Jerusalem.
Is this the city voted "Most Beautiful" and "Best Place to Live"?
When you study Lamentations 2 take some time to think about the embarrassment the city people must have been experiencing. Think about the things in your life that you are doing that could potentially cause God to punish you. Clean up your act now. Being that it is a new year, you can begin with a clean slate and start living correctly. The last thing you want is a public downfall and have those around you shaking their head in your demise. Until next time...
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Monday, January 4, 2010
SMH (Shaking My Head)
Labels: Lamentations 2, Obey
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