You never know who may be watching you or looking up to you. Sometimes you become a role model even when you do not want to be or was not trying to be. As a christian you are always a role model. You have to exhibit a life that will glorify God. You can not walk around here and say that you are a christian and turn around and cuss someone out. Little do you know, there may be someone that may have been watching you for a long time contemplating coming to the Lord, but because you were not being Godly, they decided not to come follow Jesus. My girlfriend tells me that she asks the Lord to put her in the position to be influential on the world and as long as she wants to do it to glorify the Lord, HE will put her there. Well I am going to tell God and everyone who reads this that I too want to be influential to the world. Lord I ask you to put me in position to change lives and lead souls to you. Role models are not perfect but they strive to be better than the world because they have eyes on them that look to them for courage and strength. We all know that you should not look to man for strength, but if you are that person that people are looking up to, you need to be a good example and lead these souls to the Lord. Role models, be sure to pray because the devil WILL try to bring you down, but the Lord will keep you up as long as you have complete faith in him and follow his word. Remember people are watching you so BE AN EXAMPLE!
Acts 20:28
28"Now it's up to you. Be on your toes—both for yourselves and your congregation of sheep. The Holy Spirit has put you in charge of these people—God's people they are—to guard and protect them. God himself thought they were worth dying for.
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