About Jesus C.O.U.sins

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Bigger Picture

Its not coincidence that we are where we are in life. God makes no mistakes. And I'm sure you've read this a million and eleven times, but everything happens for a reason. Some of us may be in a situation where we are scratching our heads wondering what God is preparing us for, why He would have us in a certain position, and why he would have us in a particular place. Its okay to wonder these things, but you have to make sure you do not doubt God nor his abilities.

There has been many times I wondered why God had me move to Montgomery, AL. At the time, I moved there to go to college, I wanted to go to Hampton University. Yet God lead me to Montgomery, AL. I experience life there, and I went through some hard times. However, I did learn some essential things that prepared me for this time in my life. Looking back on some situation, I find myself saying thank you God for preparing me for this.

So if you are in a position and you do not see why or understand why you are where you are, just remember that God's timing is perfect. He has a plan for all of our lives. He sees the bigger picture, a picture we will never see. We have to trust and have faith and be open to whatever he will have us to do.

I have been reading the book of Ester and I encourage you to read it as well. It is a prime example on how God moves us into certain positions for certain situations.

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Foot Work

Our new community project for the 1st Quarter will be "Foot Work" Our goal is to supply 50 pairs of new shoes for those searching or headed back to work. We want to supply comfortable working shoes and remind other C.O.U.sins to allow God to order their steps in His word. We need brand new or barely worn shoes to make this a success. Would you like to be involved? Click our volunteer button and let us know how you would like to get involved.

Evening Chats

We will be having evening chats every Wednesday and Thursday this month. Our chat room will be open for those who just want to come and chat and fellowship online with other Christians. Chat room will open at 7:00pm.


We are looking for ideas for our second quarter community project. Please email us your ideas jesuscousin@ymail.com

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