Its not coincidence that we are where we are in life. God makes no mistakes. And I'm sure you've read this a million and eleven times, but everything happens for a reason. Some of us may be in a situation where we are scratching our heads wondering what God is preparing us for, why He would have us in a certain position, and why he would have us in a particular place. Its okay to wonder these things, but you have to make sure you do not doubt God nor his abilities.
There has been many times I wondered why God had me move to Montgomery, AL. At the time, I moved there to go to college, I wanted to go to Hampton University. Yet God lead me to Montgomery, AL. I experience life there, and I went through some hard times. However, I did learn some essential things that prepared me for this time in my life. Looking back on some situation, I find myself saying thank you God for preparing me for this.
So if you are in a position and you do not see why or understand why you are where you are, just remember that God's timing is perfect. He has a plan for all of our lives. He sees the bigger picture, a picture we will never see. We have to trust and have faith and be open to whatever he will have us to do.
I have been reading the book of Ester and I encourage you to read it as well. It is a prime example on how God moves us into certain positions for certain situations.
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Friday, April 9, 2010
The Bigger Picture
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