You know what I've been thinking about the last few weeks? The subject of authority. As a Christian, I always hear about how we have authority, yet I hardly see it in action. All I see is "inaction". How is it that we can talk so much talk, better than anyone else might I add, and we don't seem to turn that talk into walk? It amazes me how Christians are the most eloquent people I know (besides politicians), yet they cannot (and do not) turn that linguistic rhetoric into faithful, authority-filled action. In scripture it says we [Christians] are the head and not the tail. Hmmm....commonly we think that means we sit and reign on top...which is a part of it. I wish we would look at it from this perspective: the head contains the mind. The mind is the thinking component, the creative headquarters of the body, the action-initiator of our souls. When will we act like it? I've made a vow to myself and God that I would walk out what I know I have been given authority to walk out. All I sense in my spirit is that it's time to move. I cannot sit idly by letting time and opportunities pass, knowing I have the powerful to do anything.
I don't want to be an "inactioned" (totally not a word) Christian; I want to be a Christian in action.
Deuteronomy 28: 13 The Lord will make you the head, not the tail...
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