About Jesus C.O.U.sins

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Be Encouraged

There is nothing like encouragement. It's something we all need especially when things seem to be going all wrong and your trying to live right. As a C.O.U.Sin (Christian Overcoming Ugly Sin) I completely understand how someone saying "great job, continue to follow Jesus, your staying stead fast and you'll be blessed" could help you to keep going. It is important that we have each other's backs as Christians. It is our duty to be a good brother or sister to one another. This is a race of life and just like we would do anyone running a race, we must cheer each other on.
I been reading Thessalonians and it was two books encouraging the people there to be strong and not to give up. Paul was saying how he was proud of them and brag on them. He also told them that he admired the way they continued to follow God despite all the bad things happening to them. One thing I like about what Paul said was that he made it clear that when God sends you through things and you are apart of His kingdom, He is getting you ready for something bigger.
I say to you, if you are reading this, I can only assume that you are trying to live right. I can only assume that God means more to you than anything. I can only assume that you are trying to be a good and faithful servant. I say today to keep going. Don't stop because things get hard. Its called character building. Its getting you ready for something bigger. I encourage you to stay strong and continue serving the Lord with all your heart and lead not to your own understanding.

2 Thessalonians 1

3 -4You need to know, friends, that thanking God over and over for you is not only a pleasure; it's a must. We have to do it. Your faith is growing phenomenally; your love for each other is developing wonderfully. Why, it's only right that we give thanks. We're so proud of you; you're so steady and determined in your faith despite all the hard times that have come down on you. We tell everyone we meet in the churches all about you.

Until Next Time...

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Foot Work

Our new community project for the 1st Quarter will be "Foot Work" Our goal is to supply 50 pairs of new shoes for those searching or headed back to work. We want to supply comfortable working shoes and remind other C.O.U.sins to allow God to order their steps in His word. We need brand new or barely worn shoes to make this a success. Would you like to be involved? Click our volunteer button and let us know how you would like to get involved.

Evening Chats

We will be having evening chats every Wednesday and Thursday this month. Our chat room will be open for those who just want to come and chat and fellowship online with other Christians. Chat room will open at 7:00pm.


We are looking for ideas for our second quarter community project. Please email us your ideas jesuscousin@ymail.com

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