About Jesus C.O.U.sins

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Love to EAT

The Bible tells us many times gluttony can lead to bad things. In our society today, many battle obesity, many battle heart issues, many battle self esteem issues, and many battle high cholesterol issues. Gluttony also effects families. Its such an ignored sin that many families are destroyed and wouldn't even site gluttony as the reason. We all know how we feel after eating. My friends and I call it "that itis". The feeling you get where you are tired, you slow down, and you dont want to do much of anything. At this time, the devil knows that your guard is down and uses that as an opportunity to strike.
Proverbs 23:19-21

19 -21 Oh listen, dear child—become wise;
point your life in the right direction. Don't drink too much wine and get drunk;
don't eat too much food and get fat. Drunks and gluttons will end up on skid row,
in a stupor and dressed in rags.

In the scripture above we are not only warned about eating too much, but drinking too much as well. I do want to point out in this scripture that it does not say don't eat or don't drink wine, it says don't drink or eat too much. Doing too much of these things take your mind off of what is important. Eating too much takes you to a low point and the devil will do whatever is neccesarry to keep you there. I see many people big and small who just over do it daily. They find delight and comfort in eating. If this sounds like you or someone you know, I encourage you to introduce them to someone who is much more fullfilling than anything on Taco Bell's menu. Jesus Christ
Jesus does not cause heart problems, extreme weight gain, diabetes, and/or eating disorders. He gives life, not take it away. Many who know me and read this may ask why I even wrote about this. Its not a personal issue with me, nor my immediate family. We are all pretty much health freaks. I do however, have friends, cousins, aunts, and uncles who need to be more careful with how they eating. It is important to remember eat until you get full then stop. Dont just eat because it is there. Too much eating can keep you from receiving blessings God has in store.
There is a show on Oxygen called "Dance you A** Off". I love that show because it forces them to take their mind off the food and really take a look at their self and what they have done to their lives. We all need to put down the hamburgers and take a look at whats really going on with our relationship with God. For some people, it is alcohol, for some its sex, for others it is eating. This should not be ignored!
Until next time...

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Evening Chats

We will be having evening chats every Wednesday and Thursday this month. Our chat room will be open for those who just want to come and chat and fellowship online with other Christians. Chat room will open at 7:00pm.


We are looking for ideas for our second quarter community project. Please email us your ideas jesuscousin@ymail.com

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