About Jesus C.O.U.sins

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Have you ever been at a football game. You looked at the seat number and went exactly to it. Yet you always see someone who wants to sit closer and goes to the closer seat only to be moved by the people who the seat actually belongs to. You laugh to yourself seeing them being removed, always noting "they should have just went to the seat assigned to them". Believe it not, when someone tries to move themselves to the forefront without being called, it is called exalting yourself. God tells us very clearly not to do that.

Proverbs 25:6-7 (AMP):
6 Be not forward (self-assertive and boastfully ambitious) in the presence of the king, and stand not in the place of great men;
7 For better it is that it should be said to you, Come up here, than that you should be put lower in the presence of the prince, whose eyes have seen you.

As an aspiring entertainer, I find myself many times wanting to just walk into VIP or go to certain gatherings without being asked to. In my mind, I should just "be there". However, I never do it. I humble myself and just say "If I meant to be in there, I will get there". Many times someone always says, "hey why aren't you over here, come into VIP with me" or "I'm going to make sure you are invited to that party". Its a better look to be advanced in front of others than to be demoted in front of the crowd.

It is not a sin to think highly of yourself. It is a sin to elevated yourself. Let Jesus exulting you. In the end, when you advance in life, God will get the glory not you. Let Him make sure you end up in the seats meant for you.Until next time...

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Evening Chats

We will be having evening chats every Wednesday and Thursday this month. Our chat room will be open for those who just want to come and chat and fellowship online with other Christians. Chat room will open at 7:00pm.


We are looking for ideas for our second quarter community project. Please email us your ideas jesuscousin@ymail.com

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